Welcome to the school nurse page!
As your school nurse, my hopes are to support your student’s health and wellness to promote the best learning environment. The school nurse cares for ill or injured students, manages care and health plans for students with chronic or acute health conditions, and distributes medications taken at school. The school nurse also conducts vision & hearing screens and monitors immunization compliance to the state requirements, along with many other duties.
As a parent you are vital in the school nursing process. The student health information you provide is an important tool the school nurse uses. Please fill out health forms accurately each year. If something changes with your student’s health or chronic conditions, please notify the nurse.
Medication Administration
All medications given at school must have a Medication Administration Form signed by the appropriate parties prior to being given at school. Prescription mediation forms must be signed by the parent & prescribing doctor. Non-prescription medications must have a parent signature. These forms can be found in the school office or online. All medications should be delivered to school by a parent, guardian or responsible adult.